June Question of the Month - Join the conversation and receive a badge



  • Joanna C.
    Joanna C. ✭✭✭

    Puppy fostering and behavior. I've been a volunteer with a local dog rescue for over a decade and I specialize in fostering puppies that have been or are sick. I bring them back to health and socialize them prior to their adoption.

  • One surprising topic that I know a lot about is social media marketing. It is surprising because I rarely post myself or put much time into my own promotion and I mainly "ghostwrite" on behalf of organizations and accounts. My background in psychology and passion for self-improvement led me to explore how people think and behave on social media and across their online presence.

  • MMcLain
    MMcLain ✭✭✭✭✭

    I know a lot about knitting and I used to design sweaters - all through self-learning, trials and errors.

  • The Golden Ratio

    and the resulting Golden Rectangle, Golden Spiral… This is what happens when you come along side your high school senior on their Senior Thesis!

    Did you know that the golden ratio and its derivatives appear in the natural world, and in the human body, so frequently, it's quite unexplainable?

    How about that artists use it to layout their art on a canvas, plastic surgeons use it to reconstruct one's face, it appears in the architecture of ancient buildings like the Parthenon and modern buildings like the UN Headquarters.

    As my son would say… math is cool.

  • dminenna
    dminenna ✭✭✭

    Due to over 15+ years in the benefits arena, I know a lot about anything and everything pertaining to benefits (medical, dental, vision, disability, etc). More than anyone would ever want to know - about copayments, coinsurance, deductibles, in-network, out-of-network, max out of pocket limits, EOBs, FMLA, FSAs, and a whole bunch of other acronyms!

    Even though I've been out of that area for 10 years, it's kind of like riding a bike….it's something you never forget. (which, I might add, is very helpful in my personal life with navigating my own benefit plans and helping my kids navigate theirs)

  • Karen Bruer
    Karen Bruer ✭✭✭✭✭

    I love car camping but most enjoy secluded terrain, often attainable by camping on crown land or going canoeing or hiking into the interior/back country. When my kids were little, I camped at family campgrounds with playgrounds and pools. Now, I only ever camp in provincial or national parks in Canada, preferring quieter locations. I like the challenge of making camping comfortable and perfecting every little process, making my experience more seamless each time I go camping. My wife doesn't enjoy camping, so I mostly go solo, even in the winter—that's about as hardcore as you can get when you live in Canada. Once a year, my adult kids join me for camping.

  • ValerieSD
    ValerieSD ✭✭✭

    I love to travel and for work I traveled extensively for 20 years. I know a LOT about loyalty and points programs. Everything from airlines to rental cars, hotels, and credit cards… if there is a way to earn, stretch and enjoy points, I will find it. After all, who doesn't love free travel? 😁

    Valerie Romero

    Project Manager, Portfolio Integration

    BioMed Realty

  • Hello, all! I've been on a big movie kick the last few years, catching up on all the greats I've missed over the years and developing an appreciation for the art. The surprising part about it is that I love bad movies - the more cheesy, clumsy, and low budget the better!

  • BrookeGL33
    BrookeGL33 ✭✭✭

    Love this question of the month and truly fun to see everyone's responses.

    So many do not know and are always surprised to find out that I know a lot about being a sewing. My grandma (god rest her soul), was a seamstress for over 40 years. In my time growing up I spent many of my weekends at her house making crafts and sewing with her. I never realized so much that I had picked up over the years until I became an adult and inherited all her sewing equipment/material. Now in my spare time, as a hobby, I sew. I think it is a way to honor her and also stay connected to her.

  • Janelle
    Janelle ✭✭✭✭✭

    This is a hard question to answer. I'm have some knowledge of a lot of different things. I guess the one subject I have the most knowledge would be bowling. I've been bowling for a very long time. I had one perfect 300 games. Over the years I have won many local and state tournaments. I have even won some national tournaments. The ladies that I bowl with are my second family.

  • Kelly Dawson
    Kelly Dawson ✭✭✭✭
    edited 06/19/24

    I am an account by trade, and an avid pool player. I have been playing since I could hold a stick. As I kid we had a pool table in my basement and I would spend a lot of my free time trying to recreate trick shots and shots I would see professions make. I have a mind for math and angles so banks where fairly easy. Now I shoot in local APA nine ball league, I do pretty well, although I am in it for competition and money, but for fun and a way to relax.

    I also have the knack for remembering things, tidbits of information, data, policies at work, task to complete, especially numbers. I would recall things for grant budgets at my previous job, that my boss would also ask how do you know, I just know and when I showed her the actual budget or policy etc. she was surprised I remembered it. At the time i was maintaining 40 different grant budgets from Federal, State and private funders with different regulations, for different aspects of the business. Jus have a mind for it I guess.

  • Lauren Dominique
    Lauren Dominique Overachievers

    I know quite a bit about Twin Peaks 🦉☕️

    Fun story: When I visited Seattle for ENGAGE 2023, I set aside a day for a special trip with a Twin Peaks Tour. For those who many not know, Twin Peaks was a TV show filmed in Washington state in the early 90s by David Lynch. The tour was AMAZING… and while the guide definitely knows a lot more about Twin Peaks than I do, he did say I knew the answers to several of his Twin Peaks trivia questions that most of his patrons did not!

    By the way… if there’s any fans out there, the tour is worth checking out!

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  • Marlana K.
    Marlana K. ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I know a little about a lot! However, my passion is cooking and meal prep. My husband and I are both Type 2 diabetics. Our journey began with this diagnosis. Most Sunday's you will find me in the kitchen preparing nutritious diabetic friendly snacks and meal items for the week. One thing we have started doing and love doing together is making our own ground beef, ground pork, kielbasa, garlic sausage and breakfast sausage. We take the time to buy the freshest meat, trimming fat and grinding for these items. We also make our own bacon using pork belly. We cure it without all of the MSG and garbage they use in store bought bacon. The curing process is 7 days then we smoke it. I am now spoiled and hate store bought bacon 😃 Being able to control what goes into our bodies has helped with controlling our diabetes.

    See me then!

    See me now!


    Sr. Business Analysts / Smartsheet Solutions

    National Pharmacy Services | Genoa Healthcare

  • Mark Agee
    Mark Agee ✭✭✭

    While my experiences as a private pilot aren’t particularly noteworthy, one of the opportunities presented to me was to help produce a small airshow event for about eight years.  

    I learned a great deal about FAA regulations and waivers, coordinating airspace control with nearby air traffic controllers, keeping performers and spectators safe, making sure the event sponsors stay happy!

    Serving as the airboss is both exciting and humbling – there’s a lot that goes into putting all the pieces into place to guarantee everybody has fun!

  • Hello Smartsheet Friends,

    Here’s the scoop on me: by day, I'm a civil servant hungry to leverage tech to protect vulnerable populations of people. When the workday is over, I trade Smartsheets for a garden shovel and policy proposals for tomato structures. I aim to use tech not just for work but to better lives - mine included. Efficiency and innovation is the name of the game, both in the office and in the garden.

    Looking forward to sharing and learning.


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