How to use the condition in request automation?


I am very new to Smartsheet and needing a bit of help. I am trying to set up a request update automation for individual fields as needed. For example I have approximately 32 fields that are autogenerated from a form. I am then trying to send an automation update request for fields that have a text associated in them, ignoring the other fields that have no text. Could someone help me with this?


  • Spoonhead

    If I'm understanding you correctly, you should be able to do it like this;

    Create the Form and Fields:

    • Ensure your form is set up correctly and is populating the sheet with the necessary 32 fields.
    • Set Up Conditional Formatting:
      • Use conditional formatting to easily identify which fields have text. This can be done by setting rules that change the cell background colour if the cell is not blank.
    • Create an Update Request Automation:
      • Go to Automation > Create a Workflow.
    • Trigger Configuration:
      • Select "When rows are added or changed" as the trigger for the automation. This will ensure that the automation runs whenever there are changes in your form fields.
    • Condition Configuration:
      • Add conditions to check if each field has text. Here’s how to set up conditions:
        • Click on Add Condition.
        • Set it to check if the specific field is not blank. For example: "Field 1" is not blank.
        • Repeat this step for each field you want to check.
    • Action Configuration:
      • Choose Request an Update as the action.
      • Configure the update request to be sent to the appropriate users. You can customize the message to inform them which fields need updating.
    • Automation Execution:
      • Save and activate your workflow.

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Are you able to provide some screenshots for context?

  • Ben Warren


    Your explanation is very well written. I think that my question was not asking for the correct information. Let me give an example of what I am trying to accomplish:

    I am wanting to send field 2 through 6, based on field 1 if text equals “no”, but not send if equals “yes”. This would be repeated for all fields that have the yes/no option from the generated form. Field 7 equals “yes” so fields 8-12 would not show in updated request.

    Would the condition have to be written as a logic statement? Not sure how to do this?

    Condition box I did the two conditions below as a test but now no update request gets sent. I am missing where to put the "if then" I think.

    Where bulletin Boards is equal to No

    and where Emergency Action Plan (EAP) is equal to No

    Action item is the following

    Request an update

    send to contacts in a cell

    Person Submitting

    selected fields are sent to be updated (currently 100) **this is where I am trying to narrow the fields down that are being sent*

    Bulletin Boards

    Bulletin Comment

    Bulletin Board Corrective Action

    Bulletin Board Task Due Date

    Bulletin Board Task Date Corrected

    Bulletin Board Task Assignment Status

    Emergency Action Plan (EAP)

    EAP Comment

    EAP Corrective Action

    EAP Task Due Date

    EAP Task Date Corrected

    EAP Task Assignment Status


    Out of date

    Replace with new





  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Can you provide a screenshot of the automation that is not working?

  • Ben Warren

    So I tried this but I am missing something. I only put in to conditions as a trial. When I did this no update request mail was sent.

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭
  • Ben Warren
    edited 06/28/24

    Yes I was using me as the person submitting

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Double check your personal settings are set to include your changes.

  • Ben Warren


    I would like to say thanks for the help. I will check on this when I get back home. I am traveling today. So it might be Monday before I get back to you.

