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Auto Sort Filtered Sheet

Create method to auto sort a filtered sheet. If date is selected for sorting and Status field is filtered to Open. Current method is to turn filter off, select date field, select sort, select OK, change filter back to Open. I would like an automatic sort/workflow to accomplish this.

5 votes

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  • SSFeatures
    SSFeatures ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @dojones, I created a browser extension that adds automatic sorting into SmartSheet and it supports filters. You can can click here to download the browser extension.

    Then click "Sort Rows":

    Then click "Sort Automatically":

    Then the browser extension will automatically sort whenever the data changes, even if you have a filter enabled.

    The browser extension also saves your sort settings, so that you don't need to manually re-enter them.

    I hope this works for you!

    Nathan Braun (Founder of SSFeatures) (

    SSFeatures - The browser extension that adds more features into SmartSheet.

    • Report PDF generator that supports grouped and summarized reports
    • Automatic sorting, sorting with filters, saving sort settings
    • Hiding and unhiding columns, and spell checking