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Sharing - keeping info confidential to relevant parties



My colleagues and I have a large database containing information regarding suppliers. I need to share the information that is relevant to each supplier, with that supplier. I can obviously run a report to pull the data out based on 'Supplier' column in our sheet, as there are a large number of suppliers on this sheet I do not want to have to create a new report for each supplier in order to keep their information confidential. Is there a way to run a single report and ensure that from that report Supplier A only has visibility of the information held that relates to them, Whilst Supplier B can only see their information, or do I have to run individual reports?




  • Brandy S. PVD

    You may be able to utilize the "current user" criteria in the report builder to accomplish your goal.  Check out the help article below.




  • Mehmet Zengin

    Hi Brandy,

    I think this would be a filter for just visualisation, right? All suppliers will still have access to main sheet and so that will be able to see each other's information?

    Or am I missing something?



  • Brandy S. PVD

    Great question, Mehmet.

    I actually had considered using this with the publishing functionailty to relieve the user from having to share the supplier with the underlying sheets.

    But after reconsidering the fact these are all external users, best practice is probably to recreate new reports for each supplier.  You could also include these reports into sights that you can share with the suppliers and include any other pertinent information there as well. 

    To relieve heavy report building, save the reports as new and then change the one variable (supplier) rather than building from scratch each time.


    Hope this helps,


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