Are there any plans to incorporate the Duration information into the dataflow between Smartsheet and Resource Management (RM)?
Currently 5 columns are synched between the two platform:
Task name, Assigned to, Start Date, End Date, Allocation%
Now as you see, Duration info is not at all accounted for when RM calculates the hours that are present on Smartsheet. E.g. If you have a task that starts and ends on the same day, duration can be 1 day, 0.5 day, 0.25 day, etc… or even just 0 (as milestone). In any of these cases, with a 100% allocation for the task, RM will just assume these are all whole day tasks. See a cropped-together picture for the demonstration.
And of course as an unsuspecting user, if you see that a task lasts 0.5 day (4 hours), then set the allocation, you would never think of setting that again as 50%. (In theory that would be 50% of the 4 hours work = 2 hours.)
Now of course a column formula could be put in place in the Allocation% column, to check the Duration column and then calculate an allocation% for the task. However, this then means we have a redundant column in the solution, which might be prone to errors in some cases.
Maybe an additional setup/check box could be implemented in the Project setting (in the Gantt-view) to calculate the allocation% with the Duration column information.
Thank you,