Document Generator Not Wrapping Text to Multiple Lines


I am using the Document Builder to auto-generate PDF invoices with the information pulled from the row in an invoice generation sheet I created.

I created my PDF template and fillable form fields in Adobe Acrobat - and I specifically made the "Customer Billing Info" and "Client Billing Info" fields multi-line so that they can accommodate the information laid out in standard Name, Street Address, City State Zip format with paragraphs between each.

The billing info is being pulled from a singular cell that is referencing another sheet, with CHAR(10) in between each reference to add a paragraph break so it is in the above format.

For some reason, I can only get one of the two billing info fields to work at a time. Either the Customer Billing Info is correct and the Client Billing Info is just one long line of text, or vice versa — but not both.

Any suggestions?
