
I had a formula that was working all through the trials but then right before the roll out it stopped working!

In one cell there's a column that Auto counts Responses no big deal there.

In a cell in a different column

=MAX([Row ID]:[Row ID]) // this counts the largest value so I can record the latest response

In another cell and I've tried it in different columns I have

=INDEX([Lbs -Target]:[Lbs -Target], [Last Row Number]2)

// this is to copy whatever data matches the latest submission into this cell on the same sheet

These cells are then linked to another spread sheet where data is manipulated and calculated.

They worked for a week but then stopped pulling the latest values.


No error message in the cells either just completely blank but when I make a whole new sheet it works fine until some days pass. Is there an alternative way to pull the latest information?

Any assistance greatly appreciated

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