Automatically populate "Duration" column

Hi all,

I have a task tracking sheet, with each task having a start date, an end date, and a duration. I need the end date field to be populated based on the start date and the duration, so I set the dependencies and date range display accordingly on project settings. However, the duration of each task must be calculated instead of manually inserted by the users. I know I can't use formulas on the duration column, so I tried using a workflow with a "change cell value" action to be executed every time someone creates or changes a row, but I can't select the duration column on the "change cell value" selection box. Does anyone know what the problem is, or at least what are the restrictions to which columns can be selected on that selection box? Or even if there's another way of automatically populating my duration column?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

  • Matt Lynn#
    Matt Lynn# Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    @Matheus Reato You can't do formulas or automations in dependency columns which would include the start, end, duration and predecessor columns. You can however use data shuttle or cell links on the start date or duration columns. That may not help you in your case but I have seen it help some where you do some specific cell links to start dates or durations to help reduce the manual entry.

    Matt Lynn


  • Matt Lynn#
    Matt Lynn# Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    @Matheus Reato You can't do formulas or automations in dependency columns which would include the start, end, duration and predecessor columns. You can however use data shuttle or cell links on the start date or duration columns. That may not help you in your case but I have seen it help some where you do some specific cell links to start dates or durations to help reduce the manual entry.

    Matt Lynn

  • NicoLHC
    NicoLHC ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Matheus Reato how big is the issue it causes ? Can you send me some sheets or screenshots ? Can you simply create one template with dependencies and use a trigger ?

    If my comment helps you, I appreciate a 💡

    Kind regards

    Nico | LinkedIn

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