Best way to file forms

CTops ✭✭✭✭

Hi All,

I have created a fairly complicated workflow to track productivity and financial data with multiple sheets and reports, I am now looking to ensure access is minimal for each work-level in order to simplify and reduce the number of sheets etc. they see, however I have forms in several sheets and wanted to ask how best to file them for easy access in one place? Is a dashboard best? If so, any tips gratefully received.


Best Answer

  • EvanShortreed
    EvanShortreed ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I would make a new sheet called "Forms" and have it live as a simple one column page. From there type in all the form names and hyperlink to the form. Once you do that, you can just have a link on the dashboards to that sheet with all the forms.


  • EvanShortreed
    EvanShortreed ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I would make a new sheet called "Forms" and have it live as a simple one column page. From there type in all the form names and hyperlink to the form. Once you do that, you can just have a link on the dashboards to that sheet with all the forms.