Control Centre - Adding an Optional Template to a provision Project.

I am attempting to add a new optional template sheet to a provisioned Project via Control Centre. When the new optional template sheet is added to the Project, the references, and some cell links are broken.

Is it possible to add an optional template to a Control Centre provisioned project and have the references and links update based on the Project Metadata?


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Control Center cannot create cross sheet references. This is a manual process, or if you have access to the API or the premium add-on Bridge, you can automate the cross sheet references.

    As for cell links… The only ones that Control Center will consistently recognize in situations such as this are the ones that exist in the "Summary" section as immediate child rows in your Metadata sheet. Everything else will need to be manually created.

    The other option (feasibility depends on how long you have been using this blueprint) would be to delete and re-provision your projects.