October Question of the Month - Join the conversation and receive a badge



  • I am not scared of not knowing because I can always learn something new.

  • kowal
    kowal Overachievers Alumni

    I am not scared of imposter syndrome because I started liking what I do.

    Tomasz Kowalski

    The Smartsheet Lover

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  • sdunham
    sdunham ✭✭✭✭

    I am not scared of taking risks, because I know there's always a plan.

  • Dakota Haeffner
    Dakota Haeffner ✭✭✭✭✭

    I think I have a funny one for this question.

    I'm not scared of the dark because when I was a very little boy I had someone tell me it was irrational so that night I sat in my room with the lights off and stare into the darkness for hours. I wasn't laying down I was just sitting in my bed looking at the wall listening to my thoughts. The best part is my dad walked in and was like, "What are you doing?" and I responded with conquering my fears haha! In hindsight, I don't know what made me want to do this. Maybe it was just boredem in the 90s. It's made a great story with the family haha!

  • Tony Platts
    Tony Platts ✭✭✭✭

    I am not scared of spiders because……no, actually, I am scared of spiders.

  • AntonioC
    AntonioC ✭✭✭✭

    I am not scared of my workload because I have a dream team that I empowered and always delivered beyond my expectations.

  • Cassi
    Cassi ✭✭✭✭✭

    This one was tough!

    I am not scared of change because my diverse experiences in education, healthcare, and administration have taught me how to adapt and thrive in dynamic environments.

  • Deanna Vandermeer
    Deanna Vandermeer Overachievers Alumni

    I am not scared of CHANGE because CHANGE IS INEVITABLE.

    I know this may seem like a cliché but it is true and without change I certainly would not be the person that I am today. I choose to embrace change, and the challenges that it may bring, because it is how I continue to grow both professionally and personally. To me this is a key life skill that has helped me grow and thrive in an ever-changing world and has helped me bring about new ideas and perspectives to my work place. In fact, embracing change is what led me to not only find Smartsheet many, many years ago but to have successfully helped bring it to my company and show the power that comes from utilizing Smartsheet as one of our tools to get our work done AND save time while completing the work. I absolutely LOVE how implementing the use of Smartsheet has helped me to be able to change how we get things done and improve the processes we undergo to do the work! Change can be a very positive thing if you just embrace the change.

    Smartsheet Overachievers Alumni

  • VictoriaD
    VictoriaD ✭✭✭

    I am not scared of new challenges because i know i will always come out stronger.

  • I am not scared of my son becoming more independent such as driving or going off to college because, as a single mother, I haven't taught him all the life lessons he will need appropriately.

  • This is a great statement to complete!

    I am not scared of BEING MYSELF because I WAS CREATED FOR A PURPOSE.

    In a world where social media is part of our daily lives and people post all the amazing things they have accomplished, exciting adventures they've been on and the "perfect" relationships they have - I am over here posting about reality. Reality is we have all made mistakes, we all have dysfunctional friends or family in our lives, and we all are actually scared of multiple things.

    I believe each of us was made for a purpose and the challenges we go thru in our life are there to prepare us for fulfilling that purpose. If you're someone who has been thru any type of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse - it was a rocky road, it was scary, and it somedays may still haunt you; but you came out on the other side and you are able to support someone else traveling the road you were once on. The same is true for addiction, loss, and other other experience you may have gone thru.

    We all should be proud and not scared to be who we are - where we are. Embrace the path that got you to today and be proud and know that being our authentic selves instead of what we want people to see is being brave and you never know when doing that will help another person to stay the course and not give up!

  • I am not scared of tackling complex projects in Smartsheet because they push me to master new features.

    I believe that tackling complex projects in Smartsheet is an opportunity for growth. When I take on these challenges, I’m often required to learn and implement advanced features that I might not use in simpler projects. This pushes me to expand my knowledge and skill set, making me more proficient in the tool. Additionally, the satisfaction of successfully managing a complex project motivates me to continue learning and improving. Each project becomes a valuable learning experience, allowing me to apply what I’ve learned in future endeavors. Overall, embracing complexity not only enhances my technical skills but also boosts my confidence in project management.

    Program coordinator

    Core Product Certified

  • Jacob A
    Jacob A ✭✭✭✭✭

    This is an interesting one. I was speaking to a group of new users to Smartsheet and I was just relating how challenges helps us grow strong.

    I am not scared of new challenges because it present me the chance to learn and grow stronger.

    SDURKEE ✭✭

    I am (no longer) scared of broccoli because (I've been told) it is good for me. 🥦🥦🥦

  • Brooke Y
    Brooke Y ✭✭✭✭✭

    I am not scared of Change because Change is constant.