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Populate Child due dates based on parent due date and (+/- number of days) column

edited 11/14/24 in Formulas and Functions

I'd like to populate the due dates for child tasks based on the 'master' due date of the parent line, with the help of a "days out" or "weeks out" column. For example, I'd input the due date of the parent line below as December 31st, I'd want the child lines to populate accordingly with December 31st less the number of days specified:

(PARENT) - Presentation Delivery Day - DECEMBER 31st

(CHILD) - Create presentation first draft (populates December 31st minus 21 days)

(CHILD) - Create presentation second draft (populates December 31st minus 14 days)

(Child) - Rehearse presentation (populates December 31st minus 7 days)

This seems like a VERY useful feature I'm unable to find an answer to anywhere, so maybe I'm just missing something?


  • Community Champion


    This will take one more DATE column to achieve. If I understand correctly, you will use Manual entry for the Parent Row. You wish the Child row to calculate by formula. You cannot have a manual entry and formula in the same column without reentering the formula after every manual entry. An additional DATE column will remedy that. I called this column Prep Delivery Date and placed the formula in that. The Prep Delivery Date will be blank for Parent Rows - let me know if you prefer the Parent Date duplicated there?

    =IF(COUNT(CHILDREN([Project Status]@row)) = 0, PARENT([Presentation Delivery Day]@row) - [Days Out]@row)

    Will this work for you?

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