Copy Row to another sheet - automation

Hi. I have setup an automation that should copy a row from the master sheet to sheet 1 if the Owner Column says "Jess". However it is only copying the Owner column "jess" to sheet one - not the entire row. Can someone help me figure this out? (Essentially it is a master task sheet and I want everyone to have their own sheet for tasks.) Also - question. If the edit the copied row - does it auto update the master? (Ideally that is my goal.)


Best Answer

  • Adam Murphy
    Adam Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    If the automation is set to "copy a row" then the entire row will get copied, not just a single cell.

    Based on what you describe, why not just use a report instead? Add a filter for assigned to equals one of "current user" and give them all that link. Each user will see only what is assigned to them when they open it, and when they make changes they are making changes directly to the master sheet. Will that work?


  • che.rabajante
    che.rabajante ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @Erin Cannon

    Could you share a screenshot of your automation workflow please?



  • Adam Murphy
    Adam Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    If the automation is set to "copy a row" then the entire row will get copied, not just a single cell.

    Based on what you describe, why not just use a report instead? Add a filter for assigned to equals one of "current user" and give them all that link. Each user will see only what is assigned to them when they open it, and when they make changes they are making changes directly to the master sheet. Will that work?