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Copy attachment from one sheet to another

It would be helpful to have a way (with a formula using cross sheet references or via an automation) to copy an attachment from one sheet to another. For example, I have a Master Project List with a scan of the project paperwork attached, but would like it to copy to the Project Metrics sheet also.

13 votes

Idea Submitted · Last Updated


  • Tracey A Siepser
    Tracey A Siepser ✭✭✭✭

    We need to move generated documents, attachments, and conversations between sheets as they're created and updated. But we do not want to move the entire row and all fields aside from those attachments and/or conversations. Please add this functionality to the request queue. We'd immediately utilize the feature the same day it's hopefully released to the EAP. Thank you!!

  • James Wesley
    James Wesley ✭✭✭✭

    +1 - Any updates on this one?

  • It would be helpful to be able to drag an attachment from one sheet and drop it as an attachment to another sheet. Or have an automation that when an attachment is added on one sheet for a Primary Identifier it is copied to another sheet for the same Primary Identifier