Similar to how there is a date column format, there should also be a time column format. Currently there isn't, so my organization uses a text type column, which leads to huge data quality problems. Some people enter military times, some don't, some include PM in their times, some use pm in their times, and with it being a text column there is no way to set up validations around that.
I noticed recently that the Time function has been added, it is greatly appreciated. However, with this new function it would be nice to have more robust support around it. I would love to see a new column format dedicated to time (kind of like the Date column). With that, allow a user on a form to select time from a clock popup similar to choosing a date. I know this can be done manually, but requires an entry from the user, and a separate column to pick up the input and convert it to time. It also depends on the user understanding how to enter the desired time.
Some of the options for the format could be created like you can in excel, for example
As an organization that primarily uses Smartsheet to coordinate the scheduling of external training sessions (> 15000 participants this fiscal year), the ability to use the Calendar view as an ACTUAL calendar would be incredibly helpful.
Project Coordinator
I completely agree with this!
We were looking at using SS for a problem tracking/ticketing solution for our helpdesk, where tickets are submitted by end users and then managed within the solution. But they need to be able to track how long in minutes the ticket is open and escalate based on length of time the ticket has been unresolved. And to be used in reports to ensure that the helpdesk team is meeting the SLA for turnaround times.
This is the one issue blocking us developing ticketing solutions within SS
Actually, a true date/timestamp column option would work. thanks
I hope you're well and safe!
Please have a look at my post below with a method I developed.
More info:
Would that work/help?
I hope that helps!
Be safe, and have a fantastic week!
Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD
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Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD
W: | | P: +46 (0) - 72 - 510 99 35
Feel free to contact me for help with Smartsheet, integrations, general workflow advice, or anything else.
My VP would like for people to log the time they received the email from the customer. Can you please add this as a request for development? Thank you in advance.
Yes, this is something I also need for data reporting and compliance. "Time" and "Date & Time" column types would be a huge help.
Would it be possible to have "Time" column type option as one of the column properties. And if possible to have the ability to chose between Standard Time or/and Military time.
We are currently have formulae to pull Time (Standard) from the Create column and then converting that time to Military Time. The downside about this is, we have a couple of users across regions and what happens is that time keeps updating based on the time difference of the last person that saved the sheet.
In addition to this, could an automation for record time also be created. That should be different from the record date automation.
Thank you
Best regards,
Jacob A. PMP, AgileXP, CSM
Please kindly upvote if my contributions have provided you some value or answer. Thank you
This would be extremely helpful. I have a Conference Room Request sheet set up and there is no function for a column to allow the user to select what the start/end times are for their request. End users put in all kinds of different information (8am, 2:15pm, 2…)
I would like to have the date and start time in 1 column. This is for a good display in the giant view. If there is now a one-hour job, the display is from the start of the day
I use smartsheet to capture input from a wide audience. It'd be great if i can fix a standard format for a time column (e.g. 2:00 am or 02:00) to ensure accurate information.
In Sept 2023(ish), Smartsheet introduced a TIME function. To further utilize this function, a new column type should be added, called "Time." This column type will function similarly to the "Date" column type in that it will only accept values formatted in a specific way and, most importantly, can be used to trigger automations for tasks/functions which do not occur at consistent times of day.