publish not showing up for grid/reports, but showing up for dashboard

as described in the question, why isn't there an option for me to publish my grid/report for me to embed? but i can publish a dashboard. would like to make the grid editable without using a dynamic view


  • Brian Wilson DC
    Brian Wilson DC ✭✭✭✭

    @leoc You should have access to publish your grids, but the option to toggle that is on the far right of your screen located here:

    It will also give you a number of different options when choosing your publishing type:

    For reports, it is located in the same location on the report. However, when you click on it it only brings up a limited window. Make sure you click on "Get Link" and then review the options there as they are slightly different, as pictured below in the 2nd image:

    I hope this helps!

