Lock the cells based on the duplicates

Hello Experts,

I have 3 COMMENTS row duplicated and 1st COMMENTS row is having translation captured for the 3 language headers. However, there is 2nd and 3rd COMMENTS row. I have already enabled duplicate logic to highlight the row in YELLOW color, so the 2nd COMMENT row is highlighting in YELLOW.

Is there any possibility, I can lock the duplicated 2nd COMMENTS cells (highlighted in Violet and marked with Up Arrows).

The lock be should only for the 3 cells under the respective language.


  • Ray Lindstrom
    Ray Lindstrom ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @tamiz.vedachalam,

    Unfortunately you can only lock rows and columns, and not just a single cell.

    When using automation, you can only lock rows.

    However your suggestion would make a great product idea (if you can't find one already posted for you to upvote). If you enter one, comment with the link and I'd be happy to upvote it.


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