Formulas and Functions

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Date Range in Date Column + Automation


I have an automation that currently sends users alerts based on the date in a column called "End Date". A majority of the time, the end date is a single date. However, sometimes the end date can be two or more days (ie- May 7th-8th). While I can write into the date column ="May 7th-8th", that will prevent my automation from running off the end date since now it's a text field.

Any way to write a formula in the end date that can capture a date range still in date format so my automation can run as currently set up?


  • Community Champion

    No. Your date column will need to house a single date. You can create a secondary text/number column to enter multiple dates in addition to the first date in the date type column.

  • Community Champion

    Hi @M_FLIGHT

    If your date range has a standard format, and assuming that your date column is named Date, you can use this formula

    =MID(Date@row, FIND("-", Date@row) + 1, LEN(Date@row) - FIND("-", Date@row) - 2)

    But this will return you only the numerical date, without any month or year, which will again fail the automation. When you type in May 7th-8th, you are in fact not putting in a date in the date column. Smartsheet considers that as a simple text.

    As a workaround, you first need to ensure that the DT column contains the month, date and year, in a standard format always. For example, May 7th-8th, 2025.

    You then need a few helper columns as below

    1. A text column named "Year" with the formula below. This will extract the year from the date.
      =RIGHT(DaT@row, 4)
    2. A text column named "Month" with the formula below. This will extract the month from the date. Ensure that the month name is written full, not abbreviated.
      =LEFT(DT@row, FIND(" ", DT@row) - 1)
    3. A text column named "MonthNumber". This will convert the Month text into month number
      =IF(LOWER(Month@row) = "january", 1, IF(LOWER(Month@row) = "february", 2, IF(LOWER(Month@row) = "march", 3, IF(LOWER(Month@row) = "april", 4, IF(LOWER(Month@row) = "may", 5, IF(LOWER(Month@row) = "june", 6, IF(LOWER(Month@row) = "july", 7, IF(LOWER(Month@row) = "august", 8, IF(LOWER(Month@row) = "september", 9, IF(LOWER(Month@row) = "october", 10, IF(LOWER(Month@row) = "november", 11, IF(LOWER(Month@row) = "december", 12, 0))))))))))))
    4. A text column named "Day". This will extract the day number.
      =SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(RIGHT(DT@row, LEN(DT@row) - FIND("-", DT@row)), FIND(",", RIGHT(DT@row, LEN(DT@row) - FIND("-", DT@row)) + ",") - 1), "th", ""), "st", ""), "nd", ""), "rd", "")
    5. Finally, a date column that contains the converted date.
      =DATE(VALUE(Year@row), VALUE(MonthNumber@row), VALUE(Day@row))

    The last column should be a Date column and you can format it to mm/dd/yyyy or any other format based on your needs.

    Best Regards
    Amit Wadhwani
    , Smartsheet Community Champion
    Smartsheet CoE, Ignatiuz, Inc., Exton, PA

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