Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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Interactive Dashboard without Dynamic View?

Hi, I have a sheet where the user enters a code which then brings back metadata from other sheets.

I would like to have this field on a dashboard so the end user doesn't have to navigate to the sheet but enters it in the dashboard (which is the field in the sheet itself).

I have searched and I think this is possible with Dynamic View but wonder if there is anyway without this prem add on?

Many thanks



Best Answer

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @melimob

    Using the URL query string technique, you can allow viewers of a Smartsheet (or a dashboard with a published sheet in view-only mode) to update specific fields without requiring editor access to the main sheet.

    Solution Setup

    1. Creating an Update Link in the View-Only Dashboard

    • In the demo dashboard, a sheet viewer can click on the UpdateURL link in the view-only published sheet (1st sheet).
    • This link dynamically pre-fills a Smartsheet form with the relevant Row ID, allowing the user to update the User Code.

    2. Using a Pre-Populated Form for Data Entry

    • The UpdateURL link includes a query string that passes the RowID to a hidden field in the form.
    • The user can then enter a new User Code, which gets submitted to a separate Form Sheet (2nd sheet).
    • This allows updates without direct access to the main sheet.

    3. Syncing the Updated User Code Back to the Main Sheet

    • The 1st sheet retrieves the latest User Code from the Form Sheet using the following formula:

    [User Code] =JOIN(COLLECT({Form Sheet : User Code}, {Form Sheet : RowID}, RowID@row, {Form Sheet : Latest}, true))

    This formula ensures that the latest User Code associated with the RowID is pulled into the main sheet.

    4. Retrieving Metadata from the Lookup Table

    • The metadata fields are dynamically populated from a 3rd lookup table based on the User Code:

    [Metadata 1] =JOIN(COLLECT({Metadata Look Up Table : Metadata 1}, {Metadata Look Up Table : User Code}, [User Code]@row))
    [Metadata 2] =JOIN(COLLECT({Metadata Look Up Table : Metadata 2}, {Metadata Look Up Table : User Code}, [User Code]@row))
    [Metadata 3] =JOIN(COLLECT({Metadata Look Up Table : Metadata 3}, {Metadata Look Up Table : User Code}, [User Code]@row))
    [UpdateURL] =FormURL# + "?RowID=" + RowID@row

    5. Ensuring Only the Latest Entry is Used

    • The Form Sheet includes a Latest Check column to track the most recent entry using this formula:

    =MAX(COLLECT(Row:Row, RowID:RowID, RowID@row)) = Row@row

    Benefits of This Approach

    No Editor Access Needed – Users can update data from a view-only sheet.
    Secure & Controlled Updates – Only specific fields can be modified.
    Dynamic Metadata Retrieval – Automatically fetches relevant metadata.
    Scalable & Reusable – Can be applied to multiple workflows.

    This method enables interactive dashboard functionality without requiring Dynamic View or direct sheet access.

    If you need further assistance, feel free to reach out, and I’d be happy to help.

    Have a great day! 😀


  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @melimob

    Using the URL query string technique, you can allow viewers of a Smartsheet (or a dashboard with a published sheet in view-only mode) to update specific fields without requiring editor access to the main sheet.

    Solution Setup

    1. Creating an Update Link in the View-Only Dashboard

    • In the demo dashboard, a sheet viewer can click on the UpdateURL link in the view-only published sheet (1st sheet).
    • This link dynamically pre-fills a Smartsheet form with the relevant Row ID, allowing the user to update the User Code.

    2. Using a Pre-Populated Form for Data Entry

    • The UpdateURL link includes a query string that passes the RowID to a hidden field in the form.
    • The user can then enter a new User Code, which gets submitted to a separate Form Sheet (2nd sheet).
    • This allows updates without direct access to the main sheet.

    3. Syncing the Updated User Code Back to the Main Sheet

    • The 1st sheet retrieves the latest User Code from the Form Sheet using the following formula:

    [User Code] =JOIN(COLLECT({Form Sheet : User Code}, {Form Sheet : RowID}, RowID@row, {Form Sheet : Latest}, true))

    This formula ensures that the latest User Code associated with the RowID is pulled into the main sheet.

    4. Retrieving Metadata from the Lookup Table

    • The metadata fields are dynamically populated from a 3rd lookup table based on the User Code:

    [Metadata 1] =JOIN(COLLECT({Metadata Look Up Table : Metadata 1}, {Metadata Look Up Table : User Code}, [User Code]@row))
    [Metadata 2] =JOIN(COLLECT({Metadata Look Up Table : Metadata 2}, {Metadata Look Up Table : User Code}, [User Code]@row))
    [Metadata 3] =JOIN(COLLECT({Metadata Look Up Table : Metadata 3}, {Metadata Look Up Table : User Code}, [User Code]@row))
    [UpdateURL] =FormURL# + "?RowID=" + RowID@row

    5. Ensuring Only the Latest Entry is Used

    • The Form Sheet includes a Latest Check column to track the most recent entry using this formula:

    =MAX(COLLECT(Row:Row, RowID:RowID, RowID@row)) = Row@row

    Benefits of This Approach

    No Editor Access Needed – Users can update data from a view-only sheet.
    Secure & Controlled Updates – Only specific fields can be modified.
    Dynamic Metadata Retrieval – Automatically fetches relevant metadata.
    Scalable & Reusable – Can be applied to multiple workflows.

    This method enables interactive dashboard functionality without requiring Dynamic View or direct sheet access.

    If you need further assistance, feel free to reach out, and I’d be happy to help.

    Have a great day! 😀

  • ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp

    Firstly, thank you so much for spending so much time and effort to outline the solution so clearly.

    I will review and see what use cases I can apply this to for sure. Since there are multiple fields I need them to update however I think I will get the collaborators in the sheet and train them but I will definitely see if I can use this concept elsewhere. Thank you again!

  • Community Champion

    You are welcome!😁

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