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Sheet to sheet selective data transfer (for new rows)


I currently have two active sheets. The first sheet, we'll call "intake" and the latter "Projects". If I review a *new* row added to "intake" and determine I want to copy it over to "Projects", I need selective data from certain columns on that sheet to transfer to certain columns on "Projects". The columns do not directly correspond in name, and both sheets have columns that the other doesn't have. However, column C from intake will ALWAYS go to column F on project (for example). I could obviously manually copy rows & select data from columns, but I'm wondering if there's an automated way to do this. 

I've looked into "linking", but that isn't helpful for me because it's the NEW rows added to the intake sheet that I want to be "sent" to the project sheet. If I'm manually adding a link every time a new row comes in, I had might as well manually copy & paste.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated!!


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