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hide certain columns per user

Dan L.
Dan L.
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Basically: I want to hide certain columns for specific users.

In detail: I have 7 users shared to an affiliate sheet. This sheet contains the assets needed for marketing as well as rev share and money exchange. I want my graphic team to update the status of graphic assets but I don't want them to see the rev share columns. I also want my marketing team to see all the columns at a glance instead of having to link to a separate rev share sheet.

Is it possible to hide certain columns based on the user? 


  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    I would look into creating reports. Even though they have to be shared into the original sheet as editors, you drive all your stakeholders to reports which can aggregate the data and only show those fields that you want them to see. 

    Here is more on creating reports: 


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Unfortunately, the primary concern does not appear to be ease of use but rather security and privacy. In that case, the Report function is only an inconvenience for the user that may want to see such data, not protection of the data from unwanted eyes.

    Depending on how often the rows are added / removed (not just modified), there are ways using cell linking, automation tools like Zapier (www.zapier.com), or other third party tools like AppSheet (www.appsheet.com) to keep data in separate locations (within Smartsheet or even in Excel or Google Sheets in the cloud) synchronized but separate.

    Unfortunately, there is not yet a way to do this natively within Smartsheet.


  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    Hopefully, one day, they will add the ability to share and update reports without being shared on the sheet. :| It would be incredibly useful. Please submit a product enhancement request to add your vote to ours. 

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