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Priority rows

Kurt Barker
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

How do I insert a priority row and lock it.

thanks Kurt


  • John Sauber
    John Sauber ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm not sure what you mean by a priority row.


    Locking rows in Smartsheet are different than freezing the position of a row. Locking them prevents non-admin users of the sheet from editing the row's content. You can access the lock toggle by clicking on the row's menu dropdown (and arrow pointing down), or right-clicking in the row's handle-bar region on the left side.


    If you're trying to freeze the position of a row, I'm afraid you're out of luck in the actual sheet, but this can be accomplished using a report, and setting the sort to always keep the row in a known position. This may not be practical in your case, but that requires more details.

  • Can you please add my vote for freeze rows. A useful feature of excel. 

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