Edit chart axis - new feature in Sights

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

Can you edit/customize the axis data? I have plugged in several values ranging from 0 to 50, but the axis goes to 200. I'd rather it go to 100, but I cannot figure out how to customize this.


Thank you!



  • Sasan
    Sasan Employee


    This is auto generated in v1.  We will consider axis min/max formatting in future enhancements.  Thanks for your input.


  • Sasan
    Sasan Employee


    Are your numbers, whole numbers or are they %s?  Would you be able to share the data via a screen cap or list out the value?



  • I too have the same issues....With the numbers the axis behaves however with % the axis goes upto to 200 when the data is not more than 80%.

    pls see attached


  • Sasan
    Sasan Employee


    Thanks for sharing the screen caps.  The % extra padding is a known behavior that we like to address.



  • I agree with this, min/max needed.

    Especially in percentages, so many are just 0-100% and I had someone as me on an exec review today using the SmartSheets dashboard why I would show it going to 300% when the project is done at 100%... which of course I have no control over.  See attachment.

    We LOVE SmartSheets, my team and the company buys more licenses every day!  Getting some of the core features updates past v1.0 is something we are looking forward to.  Great stuff!  Keep up the great work!

    - Rich

    2018-03-01 10_37_43-(1) MS Build - Exec Overview - Smartsheet.com_.png

  • Sasan
    Sasan Employee

    Thank you Rich and we are going to take care of you and others on this issue.



  • Sasan
    Sasan Employee


    We just updated the charts widget to reduce the excessive padding on scale for % data values.  The padding is now optimized.  Hope this helps.  Thanks


  • Is there a timeline for when excessive padding will be reduced on non-percentage data?  Or, is there a time line on adding min-max, only whole numbers, etc.? 


    Please see attached screen caps.


    SS Capture 1.PNG

    SS Capture 2.PNG

  • Sasan
    Sasan Employee


    At this time we suggest stretching your chart widget to provide more space for decimal points.


  • Thank you for your response Sasan. However, even when enlarging the widget the decimals remain.  I do not want the decimals on that particular graph as we are only dealing with whole numbers in the data set.  

    In the other image the "Vertical Axis"  displays a 6 when we will never go beyond 5.  

    The point of a graph is to create a visual of the data and when we are unable to edit this, it removes value from the visual you are trying to create.  If, for example, something can be rated on a scale of 1-5 and the axis displays a 6, the person consuming the information will be given the visual that 5 is not the highest possible.  


  • Sasan
    Sasan Employee


    Totally valid point.  We have these improvements in our backlog to attend to.  Thanks for your input and vote.


  • I am working on a Sight and have 2 charts pulling data from the same smartsheet.  One is chart is displaying from 50% to 100% on the axis and the other is going from 10% to 110%.  None of my values exceed 100%.  It is my understanding that scaling to data values has been "optimized," but I'm not seeing any optimization options other thank checking or unchecking the scale data values box.  I want my charts to go from 0%to 100% and not be controlled by the min/max value of data.  That is optimal for how I'm using this tool and how management expects to see reporting.  Is there a workaround for this?  I've tried hiding a dummy row in my sheet with a baseline value of 0%, but that snaps my chart into a 0% to 120% range.  Please send any tips my way.  Thanks!

    smartsheet snip 2.PNG

    smartsheet snip.PNG

  • Excellent, I'm encountering similar use-cases on my end. Tracking measurements that aren't partials but are forced to display with a decimal axis. Being able to set absolute min/max values, scaling buffers, or a checkbox/field to adjust decimal precision would all be beneficial to the chart setup screens. 

    Thanks for your communications Sasan!



  • Jennifer Greenough
    Jennifer Greenough Overachievers Alumni


    Any update on this? Having the ability to set the min/max for the axis would be great. I have data on Likert scale (1-10) and all the graphs have the top of the axis at 12, above the available scale. This is really confusing to anyone looking at the chart. We end up having to put data into Excel or Tableau so that we have more ability to control the chart characteristics.


    Chart snapshot.JPG

  • Sasan
    Sasan Employee


    We have this in our product enhancement backlog.  We are always prioritizing all Dashboards, charts and app enhancements based on users input.  Thanks for your feedback and vote on this.  Thanks for the screenshot as well.
