Enhancement Request: Viewer Security

J. Craig Williams
J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

I've requested associated items to this topic before.

Here's two new ones:

1. Do not allow Viewer to Save As New.

This one is pretty straight forward to me. Is there a Use Case where the Viewer  SHOULD be allowed to effectively take ownership of their own version of the data?

2. Add Alert (Notification) when any user performs Save As New on a sheet, this activity is record in the Activity Log. However, as I have pointed out before, the Activity Log is a sheet level view. SysAdmin's need a more global view of changes occuring in the system. Unfortunately, there are no Alerts on the Sheet or Workspace level to do this. The API is no help here either as the Activity Log is not accessible and if the new sheet is not in my account, I won't be able to even determine that a copy has been made.

This request has also be posted to the Form



  • L_123
    L_123 Community Champion
    edited 05/29/18

    For #1 I share on the community as view only to allow people to copy my sheets without being able to change my copy. If a person can see the sheet they can copy it, not allowing them to save the sheet just means they need to put more time into it. 

    I also share sheets to our sister facilities so they can copy my sheets and not have to build their own and save some time that way, but I don't want them to be able to change my information

    The big security issue is that you can see the hidden columns if you save as your own copy. 

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    That's a good use case. Except aren't you publishing, as you need an email address to share to a specific person (or group)?


  • L_123
    L_123 Community Champion

    On the community I generally publish yes, but I have contacted some individuals and given them access to sheets directly so my sheets weren't publicly posted. For the sister facilities I give only the smartsheet account holder access, they can copy it and do what they will from there, so I definitely have their email.

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    In that case what I do is share to them and ask them to make a copy so I can unshare it. I would share as Editor/Admin so that they can do so. 

    Your use case can be handled using other permissions without impacting it. There is no advantage to sharing as Viewer unless you are sharing to people you do not trust. 
