Image In Parent Task Reference Broken

Tim Droz
Tim Droz
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

The following PARENT image cells in Grid View used to transfer to a image in the CHILD.  Now, instead of having the image, in this case "hr.gif", display inside the card in the Card View, the card displays "hr.gif".  Can this be fixed to work like it did?




  • Hi Tim,

    At this time, the alt text or title of an image will be used (instead of the image itself) in formulas. This means that when you have a formula that references a cell containing an image, the formula will return a text string.

    When you have a moment, please submit a product enhancement request to let our Product team know that you'd like the image itself to possibly be used as a return value for functions.

  • Shaine, this used to work in late 2016, early 2017 exactly as I want.  Some change was implemented that broke it.  Can you dig further?

  • Hi Tim,

    Formulas have always returned the alt text of the image—there have been no changes to this behavior. Either these images were being manually copied and pasted, or you were automating this somehow through our API or a third party service (like aszuqua or zapier).

  • Hi Shaine,

    This wasn't done through a formula.  And I didn't use either an API or a 3rd-party service.  When I look in the card, the top line has the parent "Task" title in it, e.g., hr.gif, and it used to just display the graphic in the cell, not the text.  And when I hover over the "hr.gif" text, the graphic displays.  in a pop-out box.  Maybe we should have a call.  Let me know.


  • Hi Tim—

    I think I understand what you're saying.

    The behavior of Card view is such a child card will display text of the parent card's Primary column (in your case, the Primary column appears to be named task). Hovering over this value will display the parent card in a tooltip window. If there's an image in the parent's Primary column, the alt text of that image is displayed instead of the image itself. 

    There currently isn't a way to change this behavior in Smartsheet. The child card will always display the alt text of the image, not the image itself. I'd recommend submitting a product enhancement request to inform our Product team that you want to see this type of feature added.