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Smarter Dropdown List Manager

edited 12/09/19 in API & Developers

Further to a considerable amount of Community requests for a way to Update Dropdown Lists in just one sheet, then have that list Automagically populate all the other Smartsheets that reference that list.

Our Developers, using the Smartsheet API have created just that solution, in fact we have assumed that users will want 10 different dropdowns managing and each one can update 15 other sheets to start with and unlimited if need be. 

Some explanation and background for those that may be new to this discussion? 

Using our specialist Development team and the Smartsheet API, we have developed this solution, Tested it with some Smartsheet Gurus like Tim Meeks and some clients and now pleased to announce it is available to the wider community as a subscription. 

So, yes there is a cost and no, it isn't part of the Smartsheet License fee which we would all have wished for, but we reason that... the benefits to having this tool available for those that need it, will be worth our investment in creating it and the Subs will recover our costs of doing it. 

Let's remind ourselves of why this solution is much requested? 

Why are Dropdown Lists so useful?

  • Values selected from a list of choices is considered to be structured data
  • Structured data ensures corporate consistency of data entry
  • Corporate consistency allows accurate data analysis which can make whole enterprise dashboards more meaningful
  • Dropdown list values can be used to trigger next actions in a workflow process, thus automating some manual work and improving efficiency
  • Dropdown Lists used in a Smart Form are ideal for capturing new data and ensuring consistent terminology from the end user environment. Dropdown lists within forms can also appear as Radio Buttons, for ease of selection

  Anyone wish to know more, or implement this solution immediately then please review this page explaining more...  https://www.smarterbusinessprocesses.com/smarter-dropdown-list-manager/

For those that are wanting Dynamic Dropdown Lists in Smartsheet to apply Conditional Logic to Dropdown lists as well, then we have a different solution using Appsheet. Link here.. https://www.smarterbusinessprocesses.com/dynamic-lists/

We offer a free initial consultation as usual so feel welcome to discuss your needs with myself or our team with no obligation. 

Regards to all 

RichardR Smarter Business processes in North America and the UK. 








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