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Resources without an e-mail address

Carl Schultz
Carl Schultz ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

I have a number of tasks that I need to assign and track resources to that do not have e-mail addresses.  I was told to create a fake e-mail for these users so that Smartsheet could show allocations.  When I first did this the program worked fine, and now 2 weeks later, it decided to not show these users in my resource views.  However they still show up as users in my admin area.  Does anyone have a solution to show resource allocations for users that do not have e-mails?


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Do you know what may have happened to make the program stop doing what you wanted?



  • No I don't.  I left Friday it was working fine.  Went to work on it on Sunday and it wasn't.  Is it possible that whatever upgrade Smartsheet was preforming on Friday night caused the problem?

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Last week there was a few cases of problems with email.

    I would suggest reporting it, if you haven't already.





  • I have reported it and the answer I got was that it can't track emails that were not accepted from the source.
    There has to be a way to track a resource that doesn't have an e-mail address.
  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    I used to do this at my old job. I had three fake engineers for potential project staffing purposes. Unfortunately, I don't have a Team or Enterprise account right now to play with Resource Management features. I'm just going by memory.


    It seems a pain to create fake but valid email addresses -- bob@hotmail.com and the like.


    Sorry I can't be more help.





  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi Carl, there is a bug we discovered yesterday where invited users will not show up as resources (only accepted members of your account will). We filed it with our developers who are looking it. 


    Thanks for reporting! 

  • Thank you Travis,

    In the meantime we have found a way to work around this.

    If you set up a google account and then set the useres emails with a plus sign, you can receive the emails and accept the source so that Smartsheet will see the resource:


    The plus sign is the key to this working since the account only recognizes everything before it for the mailing.  When you receive the email in your google account it will sort it by the name after the + sign.

    Hope this helps.

  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi everyone! I am happy to report the bug which prevented invited users from being tracked as resources has been fixed. Let me know if you continue to see any issues with this. 

This discussion has been closed.