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Multiple Projects - all with interlocking critical paths

Louise O'Day
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hello community


I don't know if anyone else has this issue.  I have multiple projects, resources etc, that all overlap.  I have a VP that wants to see the critical path over ALL of the projects.  Is there a way to do this?


I know we have critical path capabilities within one sheet, but i dont see it in a report when i put them all together.


Its making me miserable....any formulas, suggestions are welcome.




  • Zac
    edited 02/25/16

    I'd say you have two options, either you go crazy with linking between sheets and then trying to predecessor off of those linked in values (this way wouldn't look very pretty) or you combine all of your schedules into one sheet. This would allow you to predecessor different tasks in different projects off of each other.


    If your issue is just trying to start one project after the other one is finished then i'd use cell linking but if the projects are more intertwined then the only way to see a real clear critical path is probably having the entire schedule in one sheet, sort of like a "master" schedule.


    Not a clear answer but good luck!

  • Louise O'Day

    thank you. I have tried both. It gets really messy Linking all the tasks. I have a roll up MSheet. That works for one VP, but I have another VP that wants everything And all the bells and whistles automatically generating themselves. 

  • Sharanya Anasuri
    edited 10/18/16

    Hi All,

    I have a master schedule for multiple smaller projects in my smartsheet. So not all tasks have predecessors (as we move from one project hierarchy to another) and the dates are repeating as these small projects are running parallely. Is it possible to generate a critical path for this master schedule? The critical path my smartsheet is generating is not accurate, it is highlighting the first few rows of the first project alone. I do not see an overall critical path for all the projects combined.

    Kindly suggest if it is possible at all to genrate critical path with multiple schedules in one Smartsheet.

    Thank you


  • Sharanya,


    I have similar issue. how we can share and solve the problem. 

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