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Tags (possible feature request)

Stian Totland
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hi, is there any way to tag rows? I can use a dropdown list, but that only allows for one "tag" per row. I could also use a comma-seperated list, but without autocomplete and/or tag-management it's a very error-prone approach.


All feedback is much appreciated!



  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Can you please elaborate on what you mean by "tag"?

    In regards to Smartsheet, I am not familiar with that term.



  • Stian Totland



    as stated this might be a feature request. Yes, tag is not a term used or implemented by Smartsheet, as far as I now.


    The functionality I'm requesting is actually the ability to select more than one option from a dropdownlist. Either via Shift/Alt click, or a new column type called e.g. "Multiple select".

  • Amy Johnson

    Stian, you can manually type multiple options in a dropdown list or add multiple dropdown list columns to your sheet. 

  • Stian Totland
    edited 03/14/16

    Amy, yes I could, but I don't find that option very user friendly. A user should be able to add an unlimited number of tags, and that means an "unlimited" number of columns where I would need to update every column manually.

  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi Stian, I'll add your vote for the ability to multi select from dropdown lists! 

  • Stian Totland
    edited 03/15/16

    Great, thanks!


    That feature would help a lot, but a proper tagging system would be even better!

  • Zoee S

    Travis, please ad my vote too. I am currently using "Multiple" as one of the items in the drop down and then elaborating which other items should a line be tagged to in the notes column.


    Stian - another way I am managing this is by copying the row multiple times and then tagging 1 item per row.  

  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Added your vote, Zoee!

  • Joe Varghese

    Thanks for the work-around suggestion, Zoe .. 


    Does anyone have any other suggestions? We have a Product Requirement Compliance sheet that's used by multiple OEM partners, but the OEM's manufacture different types of products.


    Ideally, each requirement (i.e., row) could be tagged with different labels but can't find an elegant way to do this .. our drop-down list is cumbersome as there's too many combinations. Duplicating rows may work for us, but long-term maintanance may become an issue ... 

  • Michelle Deane

    Tagging would be just like how we can select/tag all the categories this request might fall into (ie. enhancement request, product development, IT & Operations, Media & Entertainment...).  Please add multi-select!!!

  • Kennedy Stomps
    Kennedy Stomps Employee
    edited 06/27/16

    Hi Michelle-- I've added your vote. Thanks for the feedback!

  • 98

    It's a great feature,that most apps use from trello,evernote,onenote  to asana. 

    Davin allens GDT is based on it too.


    Putting multiple tags into one cell and enable filtering and tag managemnt is great.


    but ,


    I don't want to sound to negative for anyone hoping for this feature. There are so many request for features  already here, some are 2 yrs old and people are still waiting.

    Example: remove hyperlink from a cell,  2 years and  wating.


    If you really want a missing feature you just have to find a way around it   and modify your system . I think it is impossible for the team in smartsheet to implement every request. I think we should be happy with what we have here and find a way around missing features.







  • Greg Little
    edited 12/14/16

    Travis, please add my vote to this as well.  I constantly need something like this.  It is extremely useful for sorting and prioritizing lists so that the item can be included in multiple lists and given priority when more than two dropdown options apply.  Thanks!

  • Rodrigo Borges

    Please add my vote. I consider this feature a must.



  • Joel Oliveira

    @Kennedy Stomps (Kennedy Stomps), please add my vote as well. Thanks

This discussion has been closed.