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Usage metrics

edited 12/09/19 in API & Developers

Hi Smartsheet community, 

I am trying to create an app that fetches usage statistics/metrics for a given smartsheet account (like number of sheets or items created, edited, opened, etc), but couldn't find any API which could do the same. Webhooks is one way (not exactly), but that also we can create per sheet (not all the sheets/items under one account). Is there something available which can serve the purpose? 


  • ✭✭✭
    edited 04/11/19

    You can get some minor metrics from power BI web app (just load the Smartsheet app) includes #worksheets/reports/sheet/templates. Some of the data might be useful but it is not nearly the level of detail you're looking for. 


  • ✭✭

    There are some APIs to get the list of sheets under a my account, however that requires a READ_SHEETS access. This pretty much allows me read the contents of the sheet. What I am looking for is the stats part of usage, sort of AUDIT_SHEETS type of access which can tell me if any change happened to the sheet (opened/edited/deleted). Another possibility is having a AUDIT_USER access which gives me access (any probably some APIs for the same) to see if any sheet is created, edited, opened or deleted under a account from last X amount of time. This will serve my purpose exactly. 

  • ✭✭

    thanks for the reply Mike. This wont exactly serve my purpose though.

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