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Multiple account access - different companies

Pedro C
Pedro C ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Have you foreseen including a muliple account feature?


I value this product so much that I implemented it in another company.


Having a multiple account feature makes it easier for me to switch back and forth between companies.


Keep doing a great job, I´ve tried your new "sights", very good, I shall be adding to the package. Please foresee graphs in the near future.






  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Thanks for the suggestions, I will add your votes for them!


    Do you use Chrome? If you do, you might consider using Chrome's multiple account function. 


    On my computer, I have two Chrome profiles - one for work and one for personal. The two profiles run side by side and allow me to be logged into two different Smartsheet accounts at once. 

  • Pedro C
    Pedro C ✭✭

    Thanks Travis.

    I do use chrome, I didnt know they had that function. At the moment I´m working with Chrome with one smartsheet account and firefox with the other.



  • Can you do this using a single email address? We have more than one Smartsheet account at our company, but certain individuals will need access to more than one account. It seems we are not able to add them to the other accounts without creating a new email address and separate login for them. Is there any way around this??

  • We are experiencing a similar scenario.

    We also have different levels of staff for which we require different licenses, for instance: Senior staff to have Business license, and more Junior staff to only have Team license.

    Currently we had to create two separate accounts - one for Business License users and one for Team License users, but we would prefer having one account subscription with multiple licensing options.

    Anyone else have another work around for this until Smartsheet can offer the functionality to subscribe to different plans under one account?



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