Hyperlink function

edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

Hello all,

Is there a way to do the following:

=if value in Column A, return hyperlink to Column B

This is not a website hyperlink, this is a hyperlink to a smartsheet item. I have tried pulling hyperlinks through VLOOKUPs, nested if statements in the same sheet, etc. Manually clicking through and adding hyperlinks 1 by 1 through 1000s of rows is not possible. This sheet is also dynamic and not static, so as information is loaded, Column B needs to auto update as info is added to Column A. Is there a way to do this through the API?



  • dAVE Inden
    dAVE Inden Employee

    This functionality isn't available in Smartsheet. Using the API you can add a hyperlink to be in a cell and set it to go to a Smartsheet item like a sheet, report, or dashboard.

    This request would need to be made by your own application that could monitor the sheet for changes occurring and adding in the hyperlinks as needed. This likely wouldn't be happening as someone enters data into the sheet, but the hyperlinks could be added in moments later. You could also set your application to run on a schedule and add in the hyperlinks every few minutes.

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