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Sight Template



  • I too would love to see some templates. 

  • Not sure if this threat is still followed on, but if possible I would also like those sight templates.


    Many thanks,


  • Hello! May I get the Sales sight template as an example with the back-up sheets to reference?  That would be a GREAT start to get this up and going for this area.  Thanks!

  • edited 03/14/17

    If anyone could share them with me too, it would be greatly appreciated! We are building sights for the PMO and individual projects now. 

  • edited 03/17/17

    Can you please share the sight templates with me?


  • Can you please share the sight template with me as well, I am struggling to create my own.  thank you so much.

  • Hey guys, can you please share some sights templates with me as well for reference purposes? I am new to Smartsheet and I would really appreciate the community support. Thank you.

  • Hello Kennedy,

    I assume you've had this request a number of times, but I also would really like to have the examples of Sights with the associated sheets.

    My CIO wanted to see a sheet with a high level summary of each project with a Gantt chart view. I thought I needed Sights to do that, however, I created a sheet with individual rows that linked to a single row of multiple high-level columns in each project. These columns in the project sheets contain the project name, due date, start and stop date, % complete, the next project task, a comment and a comment date. In the individual sheets I update the cells in the project columns as necessary and since the cells are linked to the summary sheet, the summary sheet is automatically updated. Since there is a start and stop date and a % Complete entry, the summary sheet can show a Gantt chart depicting each project's progress. 

    I thought Sights was what I needed to do the above and we purchased it a month or so ago. Now that we have it, I need to figure out if that product is a better way to do what I did with the summary sheet. However, I am kind of having a hard time figuring out Sights. If I had an example with associated sheets I would be so so much easier. 

    My email is

    Please let me know if you need any further information. 

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  • Please share sights templates too.  Thanks

  • Hello, would love to get some sample sights for Portfolio / multiple project roll-up. 

  • Hi,

    There are great Sights templates in the Sights Gallery for Program Overview and Personal View, but they are not downloadable.  I would be very very grateful if someone could send me the templates as they look like exactly the thing I need to be able to have an overview of several ongoing projects.  I have a full Smartsheet account, in case that is relevant.



  • Can you also send or share the examples with me also?  Just started to use Sights and trying to accelerate getting things going!

  • I would like to receive any Sights templates (+ supporting sheets) you can share as well.  Thank you.

  • Would it be possible for me to get those as well?


    Thank you!


  • I am developing a management dashboard to curate and present data from several project sheets. The sample sight example looks like a very good start. Any chance that I could also get the Sights Multi-Project template?

This discussion has been closed.

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