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Email failure

Firas Rabbat
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Just recently I was not able to share any sheets or rows

Any recommendations 



  • I am experiencing the same problem.  I tried a different email address so I know that isn't the problem.

  • I did the same thing and it did not work

    Did you call technical support


  • Same issues here too.

    I'm not receiving alerts or notifications of changes

    I can't send update requests

    I can't share webforms via email...


    All not working.

  • I sent an Email to custemer services 

    Anybody knows how long it takes to get an answer?

  • Same here. Cannot share sheets, send update request, or send rows. None of this is working for me. I first noticed yesterday (Sat 6/18).

  • Jeff White
    edited 06/19/16

    Still no reply from my support request.

    Perhaps they should use the SS ticket tracking template  :)


    And now this discussion thread won't allow updates for the past several hours, instead showing an error message ... "something went wrong"... ???

  • Having similar issues. 

  • Looks to me like its fixed. My update requests/notifications from two days ago all just came through in a batch. 

  • Yep, no response from SS Support crew, but a dozen emails just came flooding through so it looks like it's been resolved...

    Customer service?

  • Yes I got the same thing

    hope it's corrected now


  • Hi all,


    We experienced a delay with our outgoing email service over the weekend. We've fixed the problem and emails should now be coming through as expected. 



  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 06/22/16

    Joseph and other Smartsheet people reading this,


    The status.smartsheet.com does not seem to be updated in a timely manner (and sometimes not at all). I've been using Smartsheet for ~3 years now and believe this has not always been the case and seems to be getting worse.


    I've always touted this feature as fantastic (and a clear advantage over the competition), but its recent timeliness has begun to have me rethink this.


    The first incident reported here was June 18. The status was reported updated on Monday, so I assume this is a weekend support kind of thing. Am I correct in that assumption?






  • Hi Craig, 


    We appreciate you asking about this, as I'm sure others are also wondering about the guidelines we use for what we do and don't include on the page. The folks that update the status page (our Operations team) use a couple of guidelines in determining what gets posted and when, mainly the scope of the issue and/or whether the system affected is non-functional. 


    They will always post when any one of the specific systems (Smartsheet Application & API, System Generated Emails, Search Functionality, Reporting, Resource Management, or SSO (Single Sign-On)) is non-functional. When a single system is functional but may be delayed, as was the case with our email server this past weekend, they currently don't post the issue but take action to do what they can to improve the performance.



    In regards to weekend coverage, our Operations team is growing rapidly right now to help us catch issues earlier and make updates even faster!

This discussion has been closed.