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Adding Sheets to Sight

Gareth Mensah
Gareth Mensah ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hey, I'm not having much luck adding rows to my sights. I tried adding a widget with both "Metric" or "Sheet Data" but both add the rows in a list format. How do I add the rows to the sight as is, in their existing format?


  • Hi Gareth,

    To display data in a grid format, you'll want to use the Report widget. First, create a report that pulls in the data you want to display (from one or more sheets). Then, add the report to your Sight via a Report widget.


    I'd be interested to know a bit more about your scenario. Are you looking to add an entire sheet? Or entire rows from a single sheet? Or a range (not entire rows) from a single sheet? Or data from multiple sheets? 


    We are currently looking into the ability to add rows or a range of data directly from a sheet and have it appear on the Sight in grid format. We'll be sure to incorporate your input as we design this feature.


    Best regards,



    Product Manager | Smartsheet

  • Hey Daniel, thanks for the quick reply. I want to take a section/range of entire rows from one sheet and display it on the sight dashboard.

  • Makes sense, thanks for confirming. You can do this via a report as mentioned above -- feel free to let us know if you have any further questions about that. 


    Meanwhile, we are looking into a product enhancement that would allow you to do this directly from a sheet. 


    Best regards,


  • Hey Daniel, I really appreciate that. In the meantime, I'm not able to use the report to export my sheet onto sight. What I want to do is what I saw in one of the webinar on Sight, the dashboard in the picture attached. The list of current opportunies looks like a sheet. So, was that feature planned but postponed or is that a report? 

    Screen Shot 2016-05-06 at 9.09.32 AM.png

  • Hi Gareth,

    What you are seeing is indeed a report displayed on the Sight. To show your data, you can do the following:


    1. Create a new report.

    2. Configure the report:

    -- In the "Where" section of the report, choose your sheet.

    -- Set up the other report criteria to filter the data and select columns you'd like to see. This article has additional details if you need any help with that: http://help.smartsheet.com/customer/portal/articles/522214-creating-reports

    -- Adjust the column widths in the report as desired; these will be reflected in your Sight.

    3. In your Sight, add a report widget, and select the report you created.


    Feel free to let us know if you need further assistance!


    Best regards,


  • I want to add a sheet as is on a SIGHT.  But I don't even see the option of adding a sheet in the Add Widget options!! Any help?

    SM Options for Sight.png

  • Sasan
    Sasan Employee


    The real value of a dashboard to your audience is the high level summary of information, so that they can make informed decisions. Content should include KPIs, metrics your audience cares about, progress respectively, trends and overall health of your initiatives.  If the audience wants to see more, here are a couple of options:

    1. Enable them to go to the sheet, via edit interactions config in each widget or linking in shortcut widget.  

    2. Create snapshot of your information in your sheet through the Report widget. First, create a report that pulls in the data you want to display (from one or more sheets). Then, add the report to your Dashboard via a Report widget.



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