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RYG balls based on task completed

Ruth Schoonover
Ruth Schoonover ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I have a sheet where I want to update the next columm based on the RYG color of the first.


For example:  If Column 1 = Green then I want Column 2 = Blue


I think I am close on the formula but it just isn't playing nice.




  • Tim Meeks
    Tim Meeks ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 07/26/16



    It would be helpful if you pasted your formula so I could see.. but in lieu of that try this formula example from the Formula Template: 


    =IF([Value 1]133 = "High", "Red", IF([Value 1]133 = "Medium", "Yellow", "Green"))




    Hope that helps.



  • Ruth Schoonover

    Thanks Tim.  Here is the formula with some of your help incorporated.


    =IF([Individual Drug Cleanup - V@V]1297 = "Green", IF([Susan Review Formatting]1297 = "Blue"))


    If column "Individual Drug Cleanup" on row 1297 turns Green I want the "Susan Review Formatting" column on row 1297 to turn Blue.


    Seems to me there should be a Then for the IF.

  • Tim Meeks
    Tim Meeks ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for the extra detail.  The Nested IFs assume a "Then". What you are missing is an "else condition" after the word "Blue".  The else is written as another comma after the word "Blue" and then whatever the else should be.  


    On putting the 2nd column in the formula name, I made the same mistake.. since you are referencing the "Susan Review Formatting" which is the same column the formula is in, it is a circular reference.


    So I assume you have the column "Susan Review Formatting" set as a Symbol/RYG Balls Property type... if so, put the formula in this cell, then the correct formula would be this: 


    =IF([Individual Drug Cleanup - V@V]1297 = "Green", "Blue", "")


    written out, it says, If the RYGBall in column "Individual Drug Cleanup - V@V, row 1297 = Green, then make "Susan Review Formatting" 1297 cell = Blue, else "blank".


    hope that helps!



  • Ruth Schoonover
    Ruth Schoonover ✭✭✭
    edited 07/26/16

    Worked like a charm, thank you!!

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