Bug in Edit Form View

PhilipC ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

I am experiencing what appears to be a bug in the Edit Form (see image below).

*NOTE* I am only experiencing this when the column is a Contact List with "Allow multiple contacts per cell" enabled.

When you select the field to make an entry the entry field snaps to the bottom of the window. Also if you click on the arrow to open the drop down list, the first click responds the same as if you clicked the field and snaps to the bottom of the window, but doesn't open the drop down list. The second click opens the drop down list, but the list ignores the window location on the screen and will extend the list beyond the bottom of the screen making the values un-clickable.

The form is still usable, but is an annoyance to anyone making entries. It causes the user to lose focus of the field they were trying to use and then they have to drag the window up so that the list can be viewed to make a selection.

