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10,000ft to Smartsheet

Louise Jones
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hi - I am currently trialling smartsheet as we as a company are trying to determine whether it can be used the same was as 10,000 feet. What i want is a list of names down the left - these are our project managers. Across the top the dates. I then want to shade in the days they are working on a project so say employee 1 - 2 days per week for 6 weeks on project one, on project 2 she is working 3 days per week. Is there an easy way to do this as i cannot seem to do it having looked around a lot on the videos etc ...this is 10k feet https://www.10000ft.com/plans/overview




  • JamesR
    JamesR ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    The simple answer is no.  

    10,000ft is a Resource management tool

    Smartsheet is Task management tool


    Thier focus is different.

    You need to ask the question, why do we want to move from one to the other.  What is the one not giving ypu that you hope the other will. this will help you decide if its a resourse management tool you seek or a Task management tool


    When you have the answers and you want to discuss your requirements we may be able tto help you.


    View my profile and contat us if we can be of assistance.


    Sorry I cannot be more helpful



  • Louise Jones

    Thanks i am studying this section bit its not doing what i want. For example fled bloggs is working on Project X 2 days per week and then Projecy Y 3 days per week


  • JamesR
    JamesR ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Tony is right, Smartsheet does Resource management, however if you want it to do the same sorts of things 10,000ft do then it cannot go to that detail because it is more about managing Tasks rather than managing resources.


    To split a persons allocation to 2 days a week and show it as seperate chunks you would need a line in your project for every chunk.  It cannot show multiple chunks on one line for the same task either in Resource management or in the Gantt Chart.


    If you wanted to use smartsheet because of some other features it would give you over what you are using then you would need to rethink how you assign the resources.



  • JKroll
    JKroll ✭✭

    2019 Update!

    It looks like smartsheet has acquired 10,000ft.  This will bring new tools for resource and portfolio management to smartsheet users. 

    At this point roll out dates have not been announced and the actual specific details of the integration are still being worked on. 

    But wow!  This is great news. 

    Check out the data sheet:



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