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Sight report - collapse and expand lists on the screen

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hi all,


We're using Smartsheet sights for our weekly confcall on program progress in full screen "presentation mode", which is really doing great for us. One of the widgets in the sight is showing actual gantt charts per project and it gives us the right level of detail for the call.


As the project list is growing rapidly, I like to be able to collapse and expand the projects per bundle of projects during the call. Is there a way to do this in a sight during full screen "presentation mode"?




  • Hello Michael—there isn't a way to collapse or hide a Sights widget (or to collapse/hide rows in a Report widget), but I'll get your vote down for this on our enhancement request list for further consideration.

  • MichaelK, I too would be interested in knowing how you get around this visualisation constraint until it becomes a SS feature. We also have loads of projects within our programme and having a grouping capability that can collapse would enhance the user experience, especially at exec level. Have you tried different approaches to this issue? We are considering connecting SS data to a swimlane tool that can create a plan on a page with drill down capability.

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