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Gantt Chart sum of days for subtasks

Stefan Maton
Stefan Maton ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hello everyone,


We're using gantt charts to planify our tasks. When creating task groups and sub-tasks, the number of days displayed in the task group does not reflect the actual number of days planned but the time span from the beginning of the first task to the end of the last task. This creates confusion when presenting the chart to our customers.




Group Interal Tasks        102 days  Start 19/09/16  End 07/02/17    12%

--> Sub Task Migration             4h            19/09/16          19/09/16    100%

--> Sub Task Documentation   2d            05/12/16          06/12/16    0%

--> Sub Task Server setup        1d            07/02/17          07/02/17    0%


As you can see, the tasks are wide spread on the timeline and instead of counting a total of 3.5 days it shows 102 days (from beginning to end).


Is there any way to show the sum of the actual days?


Thanks for your help,







  • Charles DESCOTES
    edited 12/02/16

    1. Create a specific column, called for instance "Active days"


    2. At your 'Sub task' level, type he formula


    . Considering that your Duration column is called 'Duration'

    . x is the same row number (therefore on row #40, the formula will become =Duration40)

    → You will see that the result is smartly converting hours in fractions of days.


    3. For higher levels, in the new column type the formula


    → Check it does answer your need.


    4. Hide the 'Duration' column and show the 'Active days' column to your customers.


    You may actually display this new calculated figure on your Gantt chart :

    a. Display Gantt, Go to the clog (top left of the Gantt)

    b. Go to 'Timeline display', then 'Display label for' and select the 'Active days' column.


  • You can even go further by multiplying the time by the % achieved (in another column?)

    Good luck

  • cjab
    cjab ✭✭

    I've been looking for a method for this, having failed I stopped using hierarchy in sheets for similar planning. This solution looks great, I'll try it.  Thanks

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