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Update request to mailer doesn't work?

Iain Olliver
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Is there an accepted practice for sending an update request to multiple people?

A contact column can only accept one contact rather than a list.


I tried sending an update to a pre-defined mailer list, but when I send these requests, no-one on the mailer receives the email?! I can see the email being sent because I am on cc but noone on the mailer gets a copy. Is this a general issue?


To give context: I have a table of 16 rows, with each row having a team of maybe 2-3 individuals, and the responsibility for updating the row may vary from week to week.

What is the most efficient way of sending an update request to the whole population? I thought mailers would be the answer but apparently not...




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