Trending in Smartsheet Basics
Daily Approval Reminder
I have a workflow setup to decision exceptions. The options are approve, decline, and submitted. I am trying to create a daily reminder for when a request is in submitted status to remind the recipient to take action and the ability to complete the decision should be in the reminder. I reviewed the forums, however, the…
Weekly update request for newly approved rows
Hello, I'm trying to set up a workflow that will send an update request once a week for all the rows in which the status has changed to "Approved" during the week prior to the request notification. The update request should not include rows that have the status "Approved" if the status field for those rows was not changed…
Form list from sheet - help!
I have an intake sheet that has a Project Name column. The list of active projects is kept here. I have a form where I need to let the requestor select which project their request is associated with based on this list of projects. Is there a way to get that column with the dynamic list of projects to display as a drop down…