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Default Currency Value

It would sure be nice if you could set a default currency type in the account settings so that you don't have to select the currency type every time. We always bill in US$, but every time I create a column or enter a value in a currency field that hasn't already been defined at the column level, I have to select the value for US Currency from the dropdown list. It's sort of a pain. 


Thanks!  I like the new changes to the toolbar! Very nice!


  • I thought with the latest change it detects the country you are in and populates the appropriate currency? - it's doing it for me now with £gbp, always used to default to USD.    My 'Account' - 'Personal Settings' have me setup as United Kingdom, maybe worth checking yours.



  • Tony: I think you are right.  Just noticed that on a sheet I was editing. 



  • Hi Galen and Tony,

    With the latest release, you can indeed just type "$5" in a cell, and the currency formatting will be automatically applied.


    We also recently improved the currency toolbar button so that you can apply your local currency using one click, without opening the menu.


    Best regards,


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