Sheet Connection

scope: I have several states working and adding every day into smartsheet sheets, those sheets are required to be seen / reviewed by the state managers, out of this information I want to create a daily updated sheet from this on a master sheet for CEO level.

Client requirement: to see an overall update daily with the new added lines and a dashboard, the dashboard is all done - but how do I get the daily added lines into the master sheet.


  • Ameya Athalye
    Ameya Athalye ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Sarah Schmitz One way I can think of is creating a column (say 'Created on') with type Auto Number/System and selecting Created (Date) option. This will at least give you the date each row is added. Then on the master sheet, you can import those rows by checking them against TODAY() function. If you can create a report that'd be easy I feel. The report's 'what' will have all the state level sheets, 'when' will be 'Created on' column with today settings.

    Hope this helps.

  • Thanks @Ameyaa, I am trying a report I think that is the best, I figured I just set a date range and use "where" and "when" and leave the "who" and "what" function blank, so far it works, I will use this as master sheet, but will base my calculations out of the sheets per state to create my dashboard. I hope that works.