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Want to change our View By in Card View

Michele Fanning
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

When I am in Card View I would like to "View by: Assigned to"  but the only option is Status.  How can I get our Assigned To column when in  Sheet View to act as the View By priority?


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    You can only view by Dropdown Lists, not my other column types, including Contact List.


    You could build a column that looks at the [Assigned To] column to populate a dropdown list.

    Because the Card View shows entries in the list, but not necessarily in the column itself, you'll need to periodically update the Dropdown list.


    1. Change to Text/Number

    2. Save

    3. Change to Dropdown List

    - this will auto-populate the list with the values that are in the column.

    4. Save.



  • Michele Fanning
    edited 02/07/17

    When we watched the video about Card View it showed someone changing the View By to "TEAM".   What is that about?  I guess I'm not following what you say about Dropdown list.  Is it possible to actually speak to someone instead of this chat?  It would be alot easier to figure this out.


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Smartsheet's contact number is 

    1 (844) 324-2360


    If you are looking for dedicated support, I work with Richard at Smarter Business Processes when my work involves Smartsheet.

    He is in the UK. 

    SBP's number is +44 1937 541 553



    Each column has a type. One of those types is a "Dropdown List". Any column that is a Dropdown List type can be used to categorize the Card View.





  • Thank you Craig,

    You answered my question.  I didn't know it had to be a Dropdown List.  I just made it work.  THANK YOU!


  • Michele, 


    We should be supporting this sooner than later :) 


    See Robin S's comment here if you want details:


  • redtank
    redtank ✭✭
    edited 01/11/19

    For an item to be listed in VIEW BY the item needs to contain values. Smartsheets can then make the values available as a dropdown in Grid View and as a lane arrangement view in the Card View.

    For example, ASSIGNED TO needs values 'assignee 1', assignee 2, assignee 3 etc. It does not matter that you have people in your contact list. They need to be added manually, and by default, ASSIGNED TO has no values.

    To add values go to 'Grid View'. You need to create or edit the ASSIGNED TO column.The VIEW BY feature in 'Card view' only works with Contact-list, dropdown list, and symbols column types. ASSIGNED TO is a contact-list type and you manually add assignees as values to the column.

    If you are creating an ASSIGNED TO from scratch, do it like this:

    1. Go to grid view

    2. Create a new column. You can do this by right clicking on an existing column and selecting 'insert column left' or '... right'

    3. A pop up called 'Insert Column' appears

    4. Give your column a name like 'Assigned to'

    5. Select 'Contact list...' from the column type window. options appear on the right of the window

    6. Select Multiple contacts if you want to add multiple contacts to a task

    7. This is where the magic happens. You need to give Smartsheets the values so that in can arrange the lanes by assignee. Enter the names. and save.

    8. When you go to Card View, ASSIGNED TO will be available in the VIEW BY filter.

    Editing an existing ASSIGNED TO, do it like this:

    1. Go to Grid View

    2. Double click on the 'assigned to' column

    3. 'Edit column properties' pops up

    4. Add the assignees to the value window on the right.

    5. When you go to Card View, ASSIGNED TO will be available in the VIEW BY filter.

    Please 'love' if you found this helpful and others won't have to suffer like we did.

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