Column Formula with VLOOKUP using External Reference

I love the new column formula functionality! I'm converting to it whenever possible.

I am trying to create a column formula that includes a VLOOKUP that uses an external reference for the data set.

=VLOOKUP($ROWID@row, {~ Master List Range 1}, 2, false)

I am getting an error message, and I think it's because of the external reference. What is the proper syntax for this?

Best Answer

  • AverageUser
    AverageUser ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Kevin, I believe it is the $ that is causing your issue. I was working on a similar issue and found a list of things that aren't compatible with the new "Column Formula" feature. One of those items was "Absolute References".

    The error message that you're getting probably has a link to the following url, which is where I found the part about "Absolute References" being incompatible:

    Is the "Absolute Reference" necessary for your use?
