Add Ons and Integrations

Add Ons and Integrations

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Dynamic View: Un-editable Fields

edited 06/14/22 in Add Ons and Integrations

I am having an issue with Dynamic View treating (random) editable fields as "Read Only."

In this instance, Dynamic View is treating a Date Field as if it were a "Read Only."

In the first screen shot, you will see that the "Date Resolved" field is not marked as "Read Only" in the design mode, however, when you open the View Details, the "Date Resolved" field is treated as if it were "Read-Only."

I have verified that the Source Sheet column is not "locked" and does not contain a formula, and is "checked" as "Date Only" (screenshot 3). I have also validated that both the "Date Resolved" and the "SCC Initiated Date," also shown in screenshot 1, are set up identically in the Source Sheet.

Historically, when an issue like this occurs, I would simple delete the column from the Source Sheet, and begin again, however, I have a number reports that are built off of this sheet, and if I were to delete and re-build, I would need to update all the reports, and I would like to avoid that if at all possible.

Any advice/feedback would be greatly appreciated.



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