Taking and showing attendance for instructors in a class

Tracy PIneda
Tracy PIneda ✭✭
edited 06/14/22 in Add Ons and Integrations

I have a form that is used to take attendance for 6 weekly sessions. The form populates a contact list for each class and calculates each participants progress during the 6 weeks using a JOIN DISTINCT COLLECT Participant@row formula.

There are 3 different cohorts of the same class going on at the same time. I have a sheet with each cohort that I want to display when they there attendance for each session individually.

Basically when the form recieves that they attended "Class 1" , I want the attendance sheet to show a checkmark in the colomn dated for class one. But it has to match up with the participant from the form to the attendance sheet.


  • Tracy PIneda

    Here are some Pics

    Pic 1. The sheet the collects the attendance. If "Clase 1" is entered in the "Clase Asistida" coloumn for Testing Test participant, (Pic 2) then I want a checkmark or even just "Clase 1" to be entered in the coloumn with "Clase 1: 01/13/2021" that corresponds with the PARTICIPANT column.
