Task Name & Sub-Task Question

We use a team task list for all our projects.

We use that for assigning individual tasks.

My task list has a long list of assigned tasks but if it is not the primary task from the master sheet all of my sub-tasks just show the sub-task name with no reference to the main task (for us it is the project name & percent of completion). I find it annoying to have to exit my individual task list to look at the master to figure out which project the assigned task is connected.

See the images to see if this makes any sense? Am I missing something basic or some functionality?


  • Debbie Sawyer
    Debbie Sawyer Community Champion

    You could add a helper column to the main sheet and hide it, which just stores the name of the parent task - then have that helper column visible on your task report.

    You could call the column ParentName and put the formula of =PARENT([Task Name]@row)

  • Andrée Starå
    Andrée Starå Community Champion

    Hi @Joel McCourt

    It's possible to collect the information in another so-called helper columns so you can see the master task.

    Would that work/help?

    I hope that helps!

    Be safe and have a fantastic weekend!


    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

    Did my post(s) help or answer your question or solve your problem? Please help the Community by marking it as the accepted answer/helpful. It will make it easier for others to find a solution or help to answer!


    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

    W: www.workbold.com | E:andree@workbold.com | P: +46 (0) - 72 - 510 99 35

    Feel free to contact me for help with Smartsheet, integrations, general workflow advice, or anything else.

  • Thanks guys... I'll give that a try.

  • Joel McCourt
    edited 01/29/21

    @Debbie Sawyer  @Andrée Starå 

    I have another question... it worked sort of...

    I have a parent row and some of the tasks a re nested in the child row too so it shows the child info and removes the parent info as it is the second nest.

    the "College Grove" Parent worked as there are not other sub-tasks below... is there a way to get around this?

  • Debbie Sawyer
    Debbie Sawyer Community Champion

    Ok - so I believe we'd need another helper column for this Joel.

    Add in a column called Level with a formula of: =COUNT(ANCESTORS([Task Name]@row))

    Then your ParentName column formula needs to be changed to the following formula:

    =IF(Level@row = 0, [Task Name]@row, IF(Level@row = 1, PARENT([Task Name]@row), IF(Level@row>1, INDEX(ANCESTORS([Task Name]@row), 1), "")))

    Let me know if this works for you.