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Conditional Notification - Feature Request

Steve Hoare
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I absoultely love the updated notification system, but would like to see a small tweak.


I have a sheet that has a contact column. I want to notify the user whenever something changes on a row that is assigned to them. I can do this by creating a notification for each user, but there isn't a way to do this automatically.




  • Hi Steve,


    I'm not sure what your definition of "automatic" is in this context, but you can create a single notification for this. I've attached an image of the set up. You can select the first option when creating a new notification "when a row is added, updated, or deleted" then uncheck the "added" and "deleted" boxes to leave only "updated" checked.

    Screen Shot 2017-03-23 at 8.57.03 AM.png

  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion
    edited 03/23/17

    Shaine's response should do what you are asking. <3 the addition of adding emails! Thank you smart sheet. I have been hounding you about this for over a year now. 


  • Ahh, ok, I will test and make sure it works as expected.

  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    You will want to make sure that your assigned-to column is a "Contact List column" and you have entered their name and email address in the field. Once you have added a user to the contact list you can then easily add them to an additional field in your sheet. Note: The name of your column doesn't matter, just the column


    Note: The name of your column doesn't matter, just the column typw. If you're not sure what type of column it is, right-click on the header and look at the last option on the Menu - Edit Column Properties. It should say: Current type: contact-list. If it doesn't, you will want to click this option and change the column to contact list. 



  • All good now, thank you :)

  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion
    edited 03/23/17

    You're welcome. 

  • Adam Overton
    Adam Overton Employee
    edited 03/24/17

    You can also use system contacts columns such as Created By. We have rules here for Assigned to and Created By so you can see when other people change stuff you created!

This discussion has been closed.